Observations of the Insurrection

Bambi Feaster
6 min readJan 8, 2021

I’ve been ill enough to not be able to sit in a chair and work since Tuesday night. This allowed me time to peruse Twitter, every news channel (including Fox) and of course, watch the events that unfolded on Wednesday.

Things I’ve learned since then:

Trump is a traitor. I’ve always felt it, but the events of this week sort of hit that home.

The terrorists (and they were terrorists) who stormed the Capitol building:

A. Had been coached, given information, directions to certain offices. Recordings have now indicated they were specifically looking for Pence and Pelosi -

B. They had police-style zip-ties, a noose was erected, and some have stated a plan to hang Pence (as encouraged by Lin Wood) was in action. Understand this- the POTUS may have given the go-ahead to have his VP lynched. In his speech just prior to the go for it- he derailed Pence. He refused shortly after to allow Pence’s CoS enter the WH.

C. Today Whip Clyburn told CNN that the terrorists went DIRECTLY to his PRIVATE office. This office is unmarked, tucked away, and not even known about by many members of Congress. They did NOT go to his more easily accessible MARKED by his name office. They went to the UNMARKED office where he does the majority of his work.

D. They were encouraged, cheered on, and incited by: POTUS, son of POTUS, attorney of POTUS, wife of a SCOTUS justice, several Senators including one from MO, several Reps including those now screaming — it’s ANTIFA. ENCOURAGED.

F. One terrorist was shot trying to break into an office.

G. One terrorist died after leaning in to lick a painting of Tip O’Neill and tased himself in the testicles, causing a heart attack (ok, I’ve not verified that but it came from a trusted journalist).

H. No action kicked off until trump gave the ok.

I. Capitol Police TURNED DOWN offered help in the days before and day of the terrorist attack.

J. SOME Capitol Police gave directions to particular lawmakers offices, opened doors, gates, administered care, and walking assistance as the VERY WHITE TERRORISTS attacked our Capitol.

K. Speaking of VERY WHITE TERRORISTS, and this may just be what pisses me off more than all the seeming murder plots, thefts, invasion of federal property — WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. These terrorists were all but served fucking tea and cookies. At actual PEACEFUL BLM matters, we had tanks, weapons, more police lines than you could count, sprays, and massive amounts of “protection” My gut says there are so many people complicit in this but this blatant HANDS OFF approach by the officers because these assholes were WHITE honest to god makes my blood boil. I’m white. This was the EPITOME of white privilege shoved in the face of every person of color in this country. UNFORGIVEABLE.

L. I learned the DC Mayor and DC Police have Z E R O jurisdiction over anything federal. So without permission — they would have (and many did) had to stand back and watch this go down while they waited for permission to go in.

M. Minority Leader Hoyer called Gov Hogan of Maryland WHILE THIS WAS HAPPENING to tell him where he was, who he was with, and that he saw little to no police presence, could Hogan please help and send in Natl Guard. Hogan agreed. He set HIS wheels in motion. Again, he also cannot enter w/o permission. THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE REFUSED — HEAR THAT — REFUSED TO GIVE PERMISSION for Maryland (minutes away) to enter to aid in the protection and rescue of our lawmakers. It took nearly two hours before someone from the Army called Hogan and asked could he please come help. btw- He was with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who were writing up Articles of Impeachment.

N. Trump claiming publicly that HE immediately sent in Natl Guard and back-up, no he didn’t. He refused to give that order. Pence had to override him and go behind his back and give it.

O. REMINDER: This was the SAME day Iran had been chattering about flying planes into the Capitol — and the Capitol Police gave a stand down to every LE agency? REALLY?

P. 13 were arrested during the event. THIRTEEN.

Q. By evening, 68 had been arrested, the majority for being out past curfew.

R. I’m a 63-yo grandmother who works online, plays online. I read Twitter and follow people who follow people (yeah, I realize the whisper down the lane, but this is at least cut and paste) who are on Parler, TheDonald, 4Chan, 8Chan and QAnon sites. Since mid December (coincidentally with the head of Proud Boys showed up for a “public tour” of the WH) there have been people talking about “fireworks” on Jan 6. TRUMP has repeatedly talked about this. I’ve read specific info about where people were meeting for buses, where to sign up, etc. Now if *I*, a lowly grandmother just zipping around the internet can be AWARE to expect violence on Jan 6, why in the hell was the FBI not aware?? How much Inside Job personnel was there on this?

R1/2. I am *still* reading plans to return on the 19th to be “ready for the Big Day” So if you were planning on attending the Inauguration, I’d recommend staying home. Trump announced today he would be leaving on the 19th and that he would NOT be attending the Inauguration. Sounds innocent enough- seems to me, he’s signaling yet again. Either way, I’m grateful for television because I was seriously considering going down there.

S. If the FBI, DHS, and other LEA are not monitoring the aforementioned websites- why not? If they are, are they compromised? Are they FOR this Insurrection? Talk about eroding your trust. NOTHING trump has done thus far had made me lose confidence UNTIL THIS WEEK. There’s just too much “coincidence.” If the agencies that are there for the purpose of protecting America CHOOSE NOT TO PROTECT AMERICA — where are we?

T. Twitter and Facebook FINALLY took action against trump’s acct. Twitter for 12 hours. He’s back today doing the same shit. Facebook at least has banned him until after the Inauguration. I have to wonder why Facebook CHOSE to allow these groups to meet, plan, plot, organize on their platform and CHOSE to do nothing until AFTER the event? These fuckers data mine the shit out of what we post so no one tell me they didn’t know. THEY KNEW.

U. Dems seem to be intent on impeaching and there might just be enough in the Senate to do it. I pray for this to happen sooner rather than later.

V. trump is planning to pardon himself, his kids, Lil Wayne, and a litany of others. HE IS ALSO PLANNING TO PARDON THE TERRORISTS. Let me say that again — HE IS ALSO PLANNING TO PARDON THE TERRORISTS as indicated to them today by telling them they’d be treated very nicely.

W. Bless Joe Biden. What a goddamn mess to walk into. I’ve felt for four years, the Enemy Within was what we should be fearing and I was right.

X. It sounds so small and petty, but Dems were robbed this week — legitimately robbed — of the JOY and CELEBRATION of winning TWO Senate seats in Georgia and flipping the Senate and of seeing the mundane task of certifying the votes for Biden. Instead, we watched a terrorist attack and then sedition by our Republican lawmakers.

Y. Good question, right?

Z. Glenn Kirschner has been talking for at least two years about forming the Trump Crimes Commission. This week’s events made that an inevitability. The damage done by trump will take DECADES to undo, hell maybe to uncover. I’m sure he gave the go ahead for Russia to hack our inner sanctums (they even hacked the DOJ this week). I’m SURE he has handed them state secrets. Year one, he gave them our grids. He has endangered us in ways NOT ONE FOREIGN GOVERNMENT ever could.

I am sharing this because I want it to come up in my “memories” on Facebook next year. I want to see how much was right, how much was wrong, how much was ignored, who and what actually suffered the consequences.

